High Tide Don't Hide

Des jeunes néo-zélandais·es rejoignent la grève mondiale pour le climat, résolu·es à obtenir un changement concret. Aux quatre coins du pays, chacun·e essaie d’alerter les autorités sur l’urgence climatique. Toutefois, organiser un mouvement et créer une dynamique n’est pas une tâche facile. Les voilà confronté·es à l’indifférence politique et à la difficulté de se faire entendre. Lorsque Aigagaleifili, poète primée du sud d’Auckland, fonde un groupe de grève dissident, un tournant se dessine. Les jeunes militant·es aperçoivent enfin une possibilité de sortir de l’impasse et de faire comprendre au monde que les impacts dévastateurs du dérèglement climatique sur les nations du Pacifique doivent être reconnus.
Emily McDowell (Nouvelle-Zélande)
Nia Phipps (Nouvelle-Zélande)
Philip Stebbing (Nouvelle-Zélande)
- Amplify youth voices to provoke urgent, uncompromising and effective climate action.
- Drive commitment to collective action to make drastic changes, e.g. greenhouse gas emission legislation.
- Support acknowledgement that climate change is a social justice issue, particularly for the Pacific nations.
- Encourage examination of privilege, representation and allyship in viewers’ own group/ movement dynamics.
- Spotlight the impact of the climate crisis and insufficient climate action on youth mental health.
- Screen at key policy-directing/influencing conferences: COP27; United Nations, WEF, European Parliament.
- Partner with Pacific activist groups to support a Pacific-identified campaign goal.
- Compile to share existent resources on privilege and allyship, and highlight places of expertise.
- Partner with NGOs to have the film shared internally, and internationally.
- Forge connections with international support agencies, e.g. environmental groups, NGOs, Green parties, and climate justice organisations.
- Broadcast in more territories; on television, or a significant streamer, e.g. Netflix.
- Partner with the New Zealand Ministry of Education to have the film seen in all New Zealand high schools.
- Find the support of an international Impact Producer/s to support international viewership and impact.
- Source funds to support international impact and outreach, e.g. the Climate Resilience Justice Fund.
Emily McDowell (Nouvelle-Zélande): emily@majorarc.org
Niva Kay (Nouvelle-Zélande): therebelfilmcollective@gmail.com
Philip Stebbing (Nouvelle-Zélande): therebelfilmcollective@gmail.com
Emily McDowell (Nouvelle-Zélande)
Niva Kay (Nouvelle-Zélande)
Philip Stebbing (Nouvelle-Zélande)
Amnesty International NZ
New Zealand chapter of international NGOs:
Greenpeace Aotearoa
Pacific Climate Warriors
New Zealand public broadcaster
US-based broadcast organisation
Pacific Islanders in Communication (PIC)
Pacific Heartbeat PBS
Amnesty International NZ
New Zealand chapter of international NGOs:
Greenpeace Aotearoa
Pacific Climate Warriors
New Zealand public broadcaster
US-based broadcast organisation
Pacific Islanders in Communication (PIC)
Pacific Heartbeat PBS