Catalogue Impact Days
De Jennifer Huang

The Long Rescue

Image du film The Long Rescue - FIFDH 2024

The Long Rescue commence là où la plupart des histoires de traite des êtres humains se terminent : après le sauvetage. Centré sur des adolescentes rescapées à Cebu, aux Philippines, le film suit ces jeunes filles pendant neuf ans et met l’accent sur la guérison plutôt que sur les traumatismes, sur les survivantes plutôt que sur les sauveteur·euses, en replaçant dans leur contexte les structures sociétales qui perpétuent leur lutte permanente contre la pauvreté, la violence et la honte. Le film s’ouvre sur des filles pleines de rires et de chansons, travaillant avec ardeur pour un avenir meilleur. Hope, Sara et Ashley tissent des rêves de carrière et de romance dans leur refuge caché. Mais lorsqu’elles retournent dans les communautés qui les ont abandonnées, leurs vulnérabilités refont surface. Sara condamne sa propre identité sexuelle, Ashley fuit l’université et Hope retourne au travail du sexe. À travers des scènes déchirantes, humoristiques et poignantes, le film révèle l’imprévisible parcours de la guérison.

Section : Impact Days
Pays : Philippines, États-Unis
Langues originales : cebuano, tagalog, anglais
Jennifer Huang (États-Unis)
Jethro Patalinghug (États-Unis)
Hanz Florentino (Philippines)
Treeclimber Media LLC
Statut de production
Finalisé en
Mars 2025
Impact Statement
If you know more than four women, you know someone who has been sexually assaulted. Yet the shame and stigma of sexual violence usually lands on its victims. By sharing their stories, our participants are saying to the world that the darkness they experienced is not their fault, and they can hold up their heads, fight injustice, and create solidarity and community with others like them. We believe this film will alleviate survivor stigma and spark prevention programs, funding and greater care for victims, support for violence prevention and building resilient communities. Beyond that, we hope this film is part of an urgently needed global attitude shift that no longer tolerates rape culture, forced marriage, and trade in girls and women.

Centering and celebrating survivor voices to combat stigma, deepen understanding of the impacts of trauma, decolonize our production process, and embrace the strength and individuality of every recovery journey.
Impact Goals
  1. Advocate for more significant support for survivors and the vulnerable, especially livelihood and mental health, by screening with 75 NGOs, government departments, and associations who work in related fields.
  2. Affirm survivors by holding small group events in 20 survivor communities, with therapeutic support and activities.
  3. Address stigma surrounding sexual violence by pairing screenings with art or drama therapy workshops to explore viewers' own experiences. We aim to reach 30 survivors-adjacent networks, vulnerable communities, and faith-based congregations.
  4. Use the film in violence prevention work, holding 35 community-based screenings in the third year with NGO partners to provide post-screening curricula, workshops and activities.
Impact Strategy
    Our target audiences include survivors and their social spheres, service providers, faith-based congregations, policymakers, and at-risk communities. To reach them, we will:
  • Identify anti-trafficking, anti-poverty NGOs, women’s organisations, survivor networks, funders, and mental health professionals for a series of brain trusts to screen the film and discuss strategies to leverage its message.
  • Hold follow-up forums with organisations, funders and survivor leaders to discuss possible collaborations.
  • Consult with experienced organisers on effective strategies for engaging audiences on stigma and trauma.
  • Engage mission-aligned funders in our iterative learning process to continually improve and sustain our strategies.
Contact principal
Jennifer Huang (États-Unis):

Amara Legal Center
Entertainment 2 Affect Change – E2AC – in talks
EverFree – in talks
National Alliance of Filipino Women – Gabriela,- in talks
My Refuge House

Berkeley Film Foundation
CMP – Chicago Media Project
Firelight/PBS – applied
Manaaki Foundation
The Storyboard Collective

Various pertinent organisations in California

Amara Legal Center
Entertainment 2 Affect Change – E2AC – in talks
EverFree – in talks
National Alliance of Filipino Women – Gabriela,- in talks
My Refuge House

Berkeley Film Foundation
CMP – Chicago Media Project
Firelight/PBS – applied
Manaaki Foundation
The Storyboard Collective

Various pertinent organisations in California