State of Silence
Estado de silencioState of Silence suit quatre reporters qui risquent leur vie en poursuivant leur quête de vérité et de fiabilité. Ces journalistes mettent en lumière la douleur et la peur que leurs concitoyen·nes endurent encore aujourd’hui après deux décennies de cette soi-disant guerre contre la drogue. Ce faisant, ils et elles acceptent le risque d’être la cible de la répression. Ce sont des enquêteur·ses, des chroniqueur·ses et des victimes de la violence déclenchée par le système de la narcopolitique, ce dangereux point de fusion entre les entreprises du crime organisé et les gouvernements locaux corrompus. Ce portrait intime rappelle avec urgence que la liberté de la presse au Mexique ne peut rester en état de siège.
Abril López Carrillo (Mexique)
La Corriente del Golfo
- Through collaboration with the journalist community, demand that the security of the press and public policies for protection are part of the next Mexican government’s agenda.
- Amplify the work of journalists and strengthen the connection and involvement with readers in the advocacy for better work conditions by inviting audiences to follow independent press in social media and visit our website.
- Launch the impact campaign in an international festival in order to urge the international community to stand with freedom of press in Mexico by joining the movement, continuing the conversation and taking the film's issues outside of the theaters.
- Organise private screenings for journalists and NGOs to create a safe space for dialogue.
- Co-create a collective manifesto highlighting the need for protection and security for the Mexican press.
- Produce a short video based on the manifesto.
- Have participants, local independent journalists and Diego Luna as spokespeople in screenings.
- Invite audiences to join the movement through a contact form.
- After the elections, follow up with officials appointed to roles relevant to press freedom in Mexico, especially on the Mechanism for the Protection of Journalists.
- Broaden our networks of foundations, academics, journalists, filmmakers and industry to amplify pressure on the Mexican government.
- Invite audiences abroad to follow Mexican journalists and repost their pieces.
- Encourage international media to interview the film's participants.
Artículo 19
CPJ – Committee to Protect Journalists – Mexico
Periodistas de a Pie
Ford Foundation
La Corriente del Golfo Podcast
Mexican journalists
Public figures: Diego Luna, Gael García Bernal
Artículo 19
CPJ – Committee to Protect Journalists – Mexico
Periodistas de a Pie
Ford Foundation
La Corriente del Golfo Podcast
Mexican journalists
Public figures: Diego Luna, Gael García Bernal