Catalogue Impact Days
De Mohammed Almughanni

Son of the Streets

ابن الشوارع
Image du film Son of the Streets - FIFDH 2024

Khodor, un adolescent palestinien, grandit sans pièce d’identité dans le camp de réfugié·es de Shatila à Beyrouth. Il est apatride et incapable d’obtenir une éducation, des soins de santé ou de quitter le camp. En suivant Khodor de 14 à 18 ans, nous comprenons qu’il est plutôt cool et détendu devant ses ami·es. Cependant, à la maison, sa famille ressent l’agressivité qu’il refoule en raison de sa situation. Il vit avec sa belle-mère, qui se bat depuis des années avec ses demi-sœurs pour lui obtenir une carte d’identité qui lui donnera le droit de vivre au Liban. Dans la lutte pour obtenir cette citoyenneté, des secrets de famille déchirants sont révélés. Son of the Streets démontre comment le rêve de Khodor de mener une vie autonome se heurte à des lois obsolètes, le laissant à la croisée des chemins entre avoir une nationalité et des droits ou rester pour toujours dans les camps dans lesquels règnent la criminalité et la drogue.

Section : Impact Days
Pays : Liban
Langue originale : arabe
Mohammed Almughanni (Palestine)
Glib Lukianets (Ukraine)
Gaza Films
Statut de production
Finalisé en
Décembre 2024
Impact Statement
Our film exposes the widespread issue of statelessness through the story of Khodor, showcasing its local and global impact. By leveraging the film as a tool for awareness, we aim to inspire action both locally and internationally, urging individuals to advocate for change and support initiatives addressing the rights of stateless individuals.

We wish to raise awareness about statelessness in Lebanon amongst the refugee and local population, and find a means to put a stop to it.
Impact Goals
  1. Launch a digital campaign to address statelessness and promote solutions for change.
  2. Provide information and support for stateless individuals, especially children and their families.
  3. Raise awareness through on-the-ground efforts in refugee camps in Lebanon to promote the importance of birth registration, particularly among vulnerable people, refugees or others.
  4. Push for legislation in Lebanon and globally to facilitate citizenship rights to stateless individuals.
  5. Create international solidarity with the issue of statelessness to address the global change needed.
Impact Strategy
  • Create measurable social media interactions that prove an increase in awareness within Lebanon and globally about statelessness and its social and economic effects.
  • Contact and map lawyers in Lebanon and internationally working on statelessness and create partnerships to support stateless individuals.
  • Create documents with legal information to distribute amongst refugee communities and local areas in Lebanon.
  • -Screen the film in safe spaces across Lebanon with refugee and local communities.
  • Challenge the hurdles of a law change in Lebanon and find ways and solutions to allow it to reach a stage of policy change.
  • Contact international human rights organisations to pressure the Lebanese government to adopt International law regarding statelessness.
Contact principal
Janay Boulos (Liban):

Funders and agencies
AFAC – Arab Fund for Arts and Culture
Aflamuna – Beirut DC
Doha Film Institute
IMS – International Media Support
Łódź Film Commission
Palestinian Cultural Fund
Polish Film Institute

Al Jazeera Documentaries
BBC Storyville

Funders and agencies
AFAC – Arab Fund for Arts and Culture
Aflamuna – Beirut DC
Doha Film Institute
IMS – International Media Support
Łódź Film Commission
Palestinian Cultural Fund
Polish Film Institute

Al Jazeera Documentaries
BBC Storyville