Catalogue Impact Days
De Mohamed Jabaly

Life is Beautiful

Al haya helwa
Al haya helwa
Image du film Life is Beautiful - FIFDH 2024

En 2014, Mohamed Jabaly est invité en Norvège pour présenter son film Ambulance. Pendant son séjour, les frontières de Gaza ferment pour une durée indéterminée. Les conséquences sont nombreuses et face au refus de la Norvège d’accepter son passeport palestinien, Mohamed devient apatride.

Life is Beautiful suit avec émotions le parcours de Mohamed pour obtenir un visa mais surtout pour rentrer chez lui. En passant du rire aux larmes, il nous emmène dans son quotidien norvégien, entre promotion de son film, découverte du pays et douleur dans les échanges avec sa famille qu’il ne peut rejoindre. Primé à l’IDFA en 2023 comme meilleure réalisation en compétition internationale, ce film est un appel à la liberté de mouvement, mais surtout à la liberté de poursuivre ses rêves.

Ce film a reçu le Prix Gilda Vieira de Mello – en hommage à son fils Sergio Vieira de Mello – au FIFDH 2024.

Section : Compétition - Documentaire de création
Pays : Norvège, Palestine, Qatar
Langues originales : norvégien, anglais, arabe
Sous-titrages : anglais, français
Mohamed Jabaly (Palestine)
Kristine Ann Skaret (Norvège)
Stray Dog Productions AS
Mohamed Jabaly (Palestine)
Erland Edenholm
Anne Fabini
Gaute Barlindhaug
Anna Nilsson
World Sales
First Hand Films (Suisse)
Finalisé en
Impact Statement
According to the UNHCR, stateless people have difficulty accessing basic rights like employment and freedom of movement. They are also more vulnerable to displacement. In the last decade the number of displaced people has doubled - to an estimated 89.3 million people at the end of 2021. Mohamed’s story shows how to face such staggering obstacles with joy, humour, warmth, love, perseverance – and community. We would like to invite more people to join this community. We want to work together with organisations to help strengthen stateless and displaced peoples’ access to rights and aid, and provide support for other aspiring filmmakers in Gaza. We hope the film inspires people in similar situations to fight for their dreams and futures, and activates those who are in a position to help.

Stuck in the Arctic, a young Palestinian filmmaker is forced to confront what it means to be stateless and displaced - labels he always resisted. With his camera as a witness, he records seven years of triumph, defeat, and perseverance, as he fights for his right to self-determination.
Impact Goals
  1. Finance programs and equipment for aspiring Palestinian filmmakers, and fund a modern cinema in Gaza.
  2. Strengthen access to human rights and aid for stateless and displaced people, by forming coalitions with organisations.
  3. Spread knowledge and information about the challenges displaced, stateless people face.
  4. Use the film to help inform audiences about the blockade of Gaza, and help to find a peaceful end to the situation.
Impact Strategy
  • Work with organisations addressing the rights of displaced, stateless people to set up screenings for decision makers, members and general audiences.
  • Work with youth groups and youth councils to set up screenings and run workshops for young people.
  • Host screenings with human rights groups to educate about the Gaza blockade - Translate film material to reach other displaced / stateless audiences.
  • Create screening guides providing more information about issues in the film.
  • Use media and PR surrounding the film to educate about challenges displaced, stateless people face.
  • Support fundraising for affected populations through partner organisations - Reach out to audiences that already know Mohamed’s previous works.
  • Create an artistic / creative installation.
Contact principal
Sarah Winge-Sørensen (Norvège):
Participants présents aux Impacts Days
Mohamed Jabaly (Palestine)
Sarah Winge-Sørensen (Norvège)

The Asylum Policy Forum
Gaza Municipal Council

Norwegian Film Institute
The Fritt Ord Foundation
The Audio and Visual Fund
Filmfond Nord
Nordnorsk Filmsenter
Viken Filmsenter

The Asylum Policy Forum
Gaza Municipal Council

Norwegian Film Institute
The Fritt Ord Foundation
The Audio and Visual Fund
Filmfond Nord
Nordnorsk Filmsenter
Viken Filmsenter