Hakuchu Munayta
Fernando, un interprète de la voix de Cusco au Pérou, tente de préserver sa langue autochtone de l’extinction. Il rêve de doubler le film d’animation Le Roi Lion en quechua, la langue des Incas. Son voyage l’amènera à réexaminer son rôle de père et d’activiste, avec son fils de huit ans, Dylan, comme principal acolyte.
Claudia Chávez Lévano (Pérou)
Estudio Alaska 88
- Empower indigenous children to take pride in their culture through access to content in their own language.
- Raise awareness of the value found in diverse languages and cultures and how this can influence the identity of a nation. We want to help transform the image of Quechua from being the language of the oppressed to a language of power.
- Create an international network of indigenous dubbing artists, providing work opportunities.
- Support change in public policy in Peru towards the preservation of indigenous languages.
- Support the creation of a law that ensures content in Peru's Quechua and other indigenous languages.
- Assemble an eco-friendly outdoor cinema that tours Quechua-speaking communities in Peru to screen our film.
- Educate audiences through roundtables in academic and cultural spaces and national and international conferences with activists, politicians, and academics.
- Develop an online platform where Fernando can share his work. Additionally, create a list of indigenous dubbing artists so that film industry professionals can find the resources to dub their films into Quechua or other indigenous languages.
- Work alongside the Ministry of Education of Peru to visit schools with film and protagonists to create a conversation around language, identity and representation.
- Amplify our impact campaign by working with indigenous social media activists.
- Support Fernando in connecting with his local representatives to propose a new draft legislation.
CMP – Chicago Media Project
Festival de Cine de Lima
Ministry of Culture of Peru
5 Stick Films – outreach to Indigenous organisations
GLAFF – Guadalajara Film Festival in LA
Swiss Embassy in Peru
Various Quechua artists (e.g. Renata Flores, Liberato Kani)
CMP – Chicago Media Project
Festival de Cine de Lima
Ministry of Culture of Peru
5 Stick Films – outreach to Indigenous organisations
GLAFF – Guadalajara Film Festival in LA
Swiss Embassy in Peru
Various Quechua artists (e.g. Renata Flores, Liberato Kani)