Networking Event - Meet the Changemakers

Production and Distribution for Social Justice

Image de l'événement  Audiovisual creation and distribution by NGOs and international organisations - FIFDH 2024
Lundi 11 mars 2024
14:45 - 17:00
Espace Pitoëff - Café du Festival
Rue de Carouge 52, 1205 Genève

Selected NGOs and international organisations tell us about how they work with films and audiovisual content across different formats, whether as producers, distributors, or exhibitors. 

The event will consist of a first part where the audience will hear the speakers discuss what they look for, how they work with films and audiovisual content, and the best way to approach them to suggest a potential collaboration.

After the panel, SWISS FILMS will announce to our audience IMPACT ACCELERATOR. A new collaboration between SWISS FILMS and The StoryBoard Collective has been set to support three projects of Swiss producers aiming to run an international impact campaign in 2024-2025 as the continuation of the pilot support measure NEW AUDIENCE NEW RELEASES.

The call opens on March 11, with the deadline on April 30. 

Attendees are then invited to stay for coffee and networking; the Impact Days team will be present to make introductions and encourage exchanges among the participants.

Les détenteur‧ses d’une Accreditation Industry ou d’un Daily Pass doivent s’inscrire pour participer à cette session en écrivant à l’adresse Veuillez nous indiquer les thèmes qui vous intéressent et/ou sur lesquels vous travaillez, et nous faire part de vos questions afin que nous puissions les communiquer à l’avance aux intervenant‧es.

Pour accéder aux événements Impact Days, vous devez posséder une accréditation Industry Pass ou Industry Daily Pass.
Demandez votre accréditation


Liliana Jauregui
Senior Expert Environmental Justice, IUCN NL
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Catherine Fegli
Information Officer, Ciné-ONU
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Charlotte Ducos
Consulting Documentary & Marketing Strategies, SWISS FILMS
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Denise Marinho dos Santos
Communications and Public Information Officer, ILO Brazil
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Thaís Dumêt Faria
Regional Specialist on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work for LAC (Latin America and the Caribbean), ILO Brazil
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Wouter Fransen
Content Manager, Oxfam International
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Karolina Sinéad Johansson
Filmmaker and screenwriter
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