
The Mind Game
Thursday 7 November
Local de Saint-Mathieu
7 promenade du Décanat, 1233 Bernex

At the age of 15, SK fled Afghanistan alone. After a two-year journey full of danger and hardship, which he meticulously documented with his mobile phone camera, he arrived in Belgium to apply for asylum. Although he is convinced that he will be able to go to school and start a new life when he arrives, a new struggle, this time a mental one, begins. A sequel to the award-winning Shadow Game, The Mind Game is an intimate account of the psychological pressure young refugees face along the way.

Free screening followed by a workshop-debate: ‘What are the obstacles and challenges faced by young unaccompanied migrants once they arrive in Europe?

Event for young people aged 16 to 30.

The Mind Game, by Sajid Khan Nasiri, Els van Driel and Eefje Blankevoort
Netherlands, 2023, 61’, ov eng/dutch/pashto, st fr


Event by registration

In partnership with Codap