All That I Am : A multi-disciplinary training programme to combat child abuse

Rue de Carouge 52, 1205 Geneva
As a child, Emilie was sexually abused by her stepfather. At the age of 12 she denounced him and he was sentenced. After spending several years in foster homes, Emilie returned to live with her mother and young step-siblings – a complicated and destabilizing situation. Through the story of this courageous young woman All That I Am talks about the long process of reconstruction for victims of incest.
The team behind this campaign uses the film and innovative educational storytelling tools as the foundation of their training program to promote knowledge, awareness, preparedness, and action against child abuse, among various professionals in Norway.
Launched in 2020 and thanks to an astute financing model, this ongoing campaign has reached over 15,000 professionals to date. It is easily adaptable and exportable to other countries.
Tone Grottjord-Glenne
Director, All That I Am
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Ingfrid Vaksdal Brattabø
MSc, PhD, Researcher, Oral health centre of expertise western Norway
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