Voices – S1 E1 – Joe Sacco

The legendary cartoonist and reporter Joe Sacco has been criss-crossing the planet for 30 years through his prodigious immersive graphic investigations, interweaving past and present, with a focus on the stigmas of war and its tragic consequences. In this first episode of utopia3, Joe Sacco talks about being rooted and uprooted, the genesis of a good story, the aftermath of colonialism and the recent protests around the globe.

To go further, discover Joe Sacco’s book Paying The Land, published by Futuropolis & XXI. More information.

Interview in English

More about Voices

Human rights are always political. Their affirmation or defence goes far beyond a set of principles enshrined in a declaration or a constitution. Locally or globally, Voices tells the stories, cultures and struggles of marginalized individuals and communities. It focuses on the forgotten and questions the silences and the unspoken.

Voices is a bilingual, collaborative podcast series produced by Utopia3 and the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH). Utopia3 is a podcast conversation with those who think, make and struggle for Human Rights every day, in their own way. Our interviews revolve around the personal and professional trajectories of the individuals we meet. We invite our guests to discuss meaningful moments in their lives when they defended, protested or were deprived of fundamental rights. We ask them about rights they found, those they lost, those they cannot do without and we try and understand how and why fundamental rights intertwine in the private and professional lives of our interviewees.

The interviews are conducted by Davide Rodogno, Professor of International History at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, and by David Brun-Lambert, cultural journalist. Directed by Martial Mingam with the help of Julie Noyelle (coordinator) and Julien Babel (artwork).

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