A future without capitalism?
As environmental and social crises intensify, reimagining our economic systems is increasingly urgent. Should we consider sustainable degrowth? Is an alternative model feasible? A regenerative and redistributive economy that respects planetary limits while guaranteeing fundamental rights for all seems essential. This is not merely about reducing our ecological footprint, but also about inventing a new equilibrium.
Alfonso Gomez
Administrative Councillor of the City of Geneva, in charge of the Department of Finance, Environment and Housing
Timothée Parrique
Economist specialising in degrowth and post-growth
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Olivia Lazard
Researcher and expert in mediation and environmental peacebuilding
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Julia Steinberger
Professor and researcher in ecological economics at UNIL
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The discussion is interpreted in English and French
Scars of Growth
The Green Deal is Europe’s new growth strategy, framed as a solution to avert climate collapse. By promoting electric cars and renewable energy, Brussels aims to boost economic growth while safeguarding the planet. Yet these “green” technologies require vast amounts of metals, most of which currently come from China. To reduce this dependency, politicians back the reopening of “green mines” in Europe. The communities living on these sites, however, worry that their livelihoods will be forsaken in the name of accelerating the energy transition.
Linda Osusky
Danny Krausz
Patrick Wally
Dominik Leube
Julia Sancho Arango
Gregor Rašek
Christoph Wonneberger