Preceded by the film Food, Inc. 2

Feeding humanity and preserving the biosphere


Wednesday 13 March – 18h30
Espace Pitoëff - Grande Salle
Rue de Carouge 52, 1205 Geneva

Feeding 8 billion human beings without harming the planet is a challenge for civilisation. At a time when conventional agriculture is destroying ecosystems, how can we rethink our food system and adopt sustainable farming practices?

So-called conventional agriculture, based on monoculture and the intensive use of chemicals, is gradually destroying the ecosystems that are essential to food production, jeopardising our own existence and that of other species.

Rethinking the current system is imperative, but how? Does the solution lie in technological innovation, or will changes in eating habits be required? A reflection on agricultural policies that can preserve our planet and ensure food security.

Partnership – FIFDH and Helvetas encourage you to take action for food security:
How to act?

Co-presented with Helvetas and the Délégation Genève Ville Solidaire (DGVS), organized with the support of Leenards Foundation

Melissa Robledo
Director of "Food, Inc.2"

Robert Kenner
Director of "Food, Inc.2"


George Monbiot
(by videoconference) Author, Guardian columnist and environmental activist
Learn More

Louise Mabulo
Environmental activist and founder of The Cacao Project
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Rupa Mukerji
Lead author of the IPCC’s 5th and 6th Assessment Reports, Director Advisory Services at Helvetas
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Bruno Giussani
Former president of FIFDH, author and curator of TED Countdown
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French, english

By Robert Kenner and Melissa Robledo

Food, Inc. 2

In a second fast-paced opus, Food Inc. 2 continues its investigation into the workings of the global food system, particularly in America. With industrialisation, centralisation and illusion, mass distribution is stifling all competition. The film takes us deep into the market for meat substitutes, with start-ups offering innovative foods such as plant-based chicken wings and milk made without cows. To what extent do these new foods represent a revolution in the food system?

Swiss Premiere
Section : Documentaries - Out of Competition
Country : United States
Original language : English
Subtitle : French
Robert Kenner
Melissa Robledo
Michael Pollan
Eric Schlosser
Robert Kenner
Melissa Robledo
River Road Entertainment
Jay Redmond
Buddy Squires
Leonard Feinstein
Ryan Loeffler
Mark Adler
World Sales