Signing session by Pierre Haski


Sunday 17 March – 14h30
Espace Pitoëff - Café du Festival
Rue de Carouge 52, 1205 Geneva

Book signing with Pierre Haski, Geopolitical columnist, France Inter and ex-China correspondent, Libération

Pierre Haski has worked as a correspondent in Johannesburg, Jerusalem and Beijing, successively for Agence France-Presse and the French daily “Libération”. In 2007, he co-founded the news website Since 2018, he has been a geopolitical columnist for France Inter radio’s Matinale and for the magazine L’Obs, and since 2017, President of the organization Reporters sans frontières (RSF). He is the author of several books and documentaries, including “Liu Xiaobo, l’homme qui a défié Pékin” and “Nous sommes Taiwan”, broadcast by Arte. Latest book: “Une terre doublement promise – Israël-Palestine, un siècle de conflit” (Stock, 2024).

Pierre Haski will take part in the discussion Xinjiang, the repression camps on Sunday 17 March at 4.30pm.