
Draw for Change: Democracy Under Siege

Friday 14 March
Les Cinémas du Grütli
Rue du Général-Dufour 16, 1204 Genève

This episode of the documentary series Draw for Change! explores the flaws in the American political system and its recent drifts. Through the testimonies of experts, members of Congress and authors, including Pulitzer Prize-winning illustrator Ann Telnaes, the mechanisms of American democracy are analysed, highlighting its design flaws. Animated cartoons depict the consequences of these dysfunctions: Trump’s election, the failed impeachment attempts and the assault on Capitol Hill, highlighting an increasingly fragile and divided political system.

Screening followed by a discussion with Philippe Mottaz, journalist specializing in the United States.

Topic of the session: United States: The Flaws and Drifts of a Political System

Laura Nix, United States/Belgium/Luxembourg, 2024, 52’, ov eng, st fr

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Recommended for secondary II