
FIFDH for Schools – A look back at the 2024 edition

The FIFDH Schools programme is a unique opportunity for students to discuss human rights issues with filmmakers, protagonists and experts from a variety of backgrounds.

Festival for Schools

From 11 to 15 March 2024, more than 1,000 students took part in the screenings of the films in the 22nd edition of the Schools programme. It proved to be a most enriching and inspiring experience for all the participants. We had the privilege of welcoming a large number of secondary I and II classes to the Cinémas du Grütli, where they had the opportunity to attend screenings followed by discussions in the presence of filmmakers, protagonists and experts on the issues addressed.

The films selected, some of which were part of the Festival’s official selection, tackled subjects as diverse as ecology, migration, women’s rights, LGBTIQ+ rights and artificial intelligence. The discussions after the screenings gave the students the opportunity to engage in rich and constructive discussions, offering privileged moments of interaction with our guests.


12 sessions

around 6 human rights themes

5 feature films

including 2 in the official selection

3 short films

a new format with more links between themes

1,200 people reached

including 1,075 students

We’d like to thank everyone who helped make this an unforgettable event! A huge thank you to the many teachers who, year after year, bring their pupils of all ages to our screenings. We salute their invaluable contribution to raising awareness and inspiring future generations. Thank you for being an integral part of the FIFDH for Schools experience!

For those who missed this edition, the FIFDH is coming online and to your school !

The online platform is waiting for you

In anticipation of the 23rd edition, the new FIFDH for Schools platform is available, offering a varied selection of documentaries from previous editions.

Starting this year, the Festival is offering a series of films on its new platform for secondary I & II classes. Around twenty films accompanied by ad hoc teaching material (teaching sheet, filmed introduction and thematic discussion) are made available to teachers‧es and students. The FIFDH provides the necessary resources for classroom screenings: the films are accompanied by video interviews with the filmmakers and protagonists as well as a teaching pack.

Stay tuned for more updates on upcoming films on the platform!

The FIFDH in your school

The FIFDH visits schools and offers screenings in aula followed by discussions with speakers‧es. These screenings are free and intended only for public secondary I & II schools in the canton of Geneva.

Would you like to organise a screening for several classes in your school? Send your request to

Mark your calendars: the FIFDH for Schools 2025 will take place from 10 to 14 March !