Filmmakers voices: Alain Lewkowicz – Taïwan, une démocratie à l’ombre de la Chine

Interview with Alain Lewkowicz about his film Taïwan, une démocratie à l’ombre de la Chine

To China, it is a separatist province that should return to the homeland. To its 24 million inhabitants, it is a sovereign State with its own constitution and democratically elected leaders. Now that Hong Kong has been aligned, Taiwan intends to stand up to Beijing as a vibrant young democracy, while facing countless cyber-attacks aimed at destabilising its institutions and exacerbating divisions.

Co-presented with ARTE

Capsule in French.

About Filmmakers voices

In Paroles de cinéastes, filmmakers talk about their approach, commitment, and hopes for their work’s impact. Can cinema change the world?