Signing session – Douglas Kennedy


Monday 10 March – 21h30
Espace Pitoëff - Café du Festival
Rue de Carouge 52, 1205 Geneva

FIFDH audiences are invited to the Festival Bookshop for a book signing with author Douglas Kennedy. The Bookshop is open daily before and after each event. Books by attending speakers, as well as a wide selection of titles related to the Festival’s events, are available onsite.

Douglas Kennedy was born in Manhattan and moved to Dublin in 1977, where he founded a theatre company and later ran The Abbey Theatre’s studio theatre. He began writing plays at night, with his first play aired by BBC Radio in 1980. After leaving the theatre in 1983, he became a full-time writer. His second novel, The Big Picture, became a bestseller and was adapted into a film. His subsequent nineteen novels include such notable successes such as The Pursuit of Happiness, Leaving the World, The Moment, The Great Wide Open, and Flyover. A masterful storyteller, Kennedy’s fiction explores the anxieties of modern life, the complexities of family and homeland, and how we are the architects of our own cul-de-sacs. He is a writer who brilliantly chronicles the way we live today