Preceded by the film L' Audition (The Hearing)

Switzerland’s asylum procedure in an era of suspicion


Monday 11 March – 19h00
Espace Pitoëff - Grande Salle
Rue de Carouge 52, 1205 Geneva

Asylum policy is one of the most debated political issues. And yet we know virtually nothing about it. What is really taking place in the opaque workings of Switzerland's asylum procedure?

A key principle of human rights, the right to asylum has been under constant political attack for over 25 years. This is reflected in the asylum procedure: behind the closed doors of the State Secretariat for Migration, asylum seekers seem to face widespread suspicion. With serious consequences for the mental health of people who are already in vulnerable situations.

Partnership – FIFDH and Caritas Suisse take action to help reunite families: Help support legal consultations

Co-presented with Caritas Suisse and CSP Genève

Lisa Gerig
Director of "L'Audition"


Guillaume Bégert
Legal coordination officer for people in asylum procedures, Caritas Suisse
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Maurizio Miceli
Head of Asylum Region, French-speaking Switzerland, State Secretariat for Migration
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Pascal Onana
Protagonist in the film "L'Audition"
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Living Smile Vidya
Film's protagonist, actor and activist
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Raphaël Rey
Information Officer at the Refugee Service of the CSP
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Tania Sazpinar
Journalist, RTS

French, english

By Lisa Gerig

L' Audition (The Hearing)

Die Anhörung

Four asylum seekers relive their asylum hearings with the authorities. In a muted production, the audience is made aware of the burden of the procedures and the vital issues at stake for asylum seekers. Lisa Gerig subtly raises essential questions: what happens when your future depends on your ability to tell your own story convincingly? A subtle demonstration of the contradictions of the Swiss asylum system.

Cinema release: 27.03.2024

Section : Competition - Creative Documentaries
Country : Switzerland
Original languages : German, English, French, Tamil, Dari
Subtitles : French, English, German
Lisa Gerig
Eva Vitija
Maurizius Stärkle Drux
Eva Vitija
Maurizius Staerkle Drux
Ensemble Film
Ramón Giger
Ruth Schläpfer
Lisa Gerig
Martina Berther
Julian Fuchs
Outside The Box