Anti-Semitism: the blind spot in the fight against racism?


Friday 15 March – 19h00
Espace Pitoëff - Théâtre
Rue de Carouge 52, 1205 Geneva

Anti-Semitic comments and attacks have increased at a startling rate in Europe since the beginning of the events in the Middle East. Is anti-semitism just another form of racism?

What is the current state of play in the fight against anti-Semitism? For Illana Weizman, anti-Semitism is “the blind spot in the anti-racist struggle”. On the left of the political spectrum, within anti-racist movements and even within certain feminist and intersectional movements pursuing common goals of social justice and equality, this struggle is often isolated. Why is anti-Semitism racism? Why is it a separate form of oppression? What does it do to our humanity and our societies?

The podcast series “Who’s afraid of the Jews?” explores the experiences of Jewish people and the hostility they suffer, in the company of intellectuals, artists, researchers, activists and politicians.

Co-presented with the Bureau de l'intégration et de la citoyenneté (BIC) and Chahut Média

Carole Harari
Co-creator of "Chahut Média"

David Brun-Lambert
Co-creator of "Chahut Média"

Johanne Gurfinkiel
Secrétaire général de la CICAD


Davide Rodogno
Professor of International History and Politics, Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)
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Pamela Ohene-Nyako
Feminist and anti-racist activist, founder of Afrolitt' and academic, UNIGE
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Hanna Assouline
Activist and founder of the Guerrières de la paix movement
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Célia Héron
Journalist, Le Temps
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French. English