
Young Tepulpaï lives with his family in a small village in the heart of the Andes. Their life in harmony with nature is punctuated by offerings to the woman they call “Pachamama”, Mother Earth. Their serenity is suddenly disturbed by the arrival of a tax collector, who has come to levy a tax in the name of the Great Inca. To establish his authority his authority and strip the villagers of their most precious possession: their protective totem, a golden statuette called the Huaca. Tepulpaï seized the opportunity to prove his devotion to Pachamama and his courage, and set off in pursuit of the Inca delegation to recover the Huaca. His journey promises to be perilous, not to mention the fact that Cuzco, the Inca royal capital, is under siege from the Spanish conquistadors…
“Pachamama” workshop
Following the success of the “Is it my right?” workshop organised as part of the 2023 Festival edition, La Lanterne Magique and the FIFDH are extending this activity aimed at children aged 6 to 12. In connection with the film, the “Pachamama” workshop will this time focus on the notion of “duties”…
From 11am to 1pm, the Festival Café will be transformed into an agora where participants will be invited to draw up a letter of duty to Mother Earth in a fun and creative way. Everyone will then be encouraged to give back to nature what we take from it every day, just as the young protagonists in the film do… And how? Shh, it’s still a surprise, but it’s going to be a good one!
Reservations required (the number of participants is limited to 12 children).
Picnic at the end of the workshop.
This event is organised in collaboration with La Lanterne Magique.