Think & Drink: what of digital inclusion?


Thursday 14 March – 18h30
Espace Pitoëff - Café du Festival
Rue de Carouge 52, 1205 Geneva

How can we champion greater accessibility to technology and recenter it around community values? The think tank foraus is bringing its traditional monthly Think & Drink to the FIFDH, in collaboration with the AGIR association.

Technology, with its remarkable advancements, from shaping new modes of communication to fostering artificial intelligence, now stands at the core of our societies. However, despite its enabling progress, technology acts as a reflective mirror, showcasing the prevailing inequalities in contemporary society — be it in terms of gender, class, or the global north-south divide. How can we champion greater accessibility to technology and recenter it around community values? Join an enriching evening, grab a complimentary drink, and delve into a nuanced discussion!

Event proposed by foraus and AGIR

Shimona Mohan
Associate Researcher - Gender, Security & Tech, UN Institute for Disarmament Research
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Marie Ferri
Co-head of the Gender programme, think tank foraus
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