Solidarity and care: a tender revolution
To care is to support those we love, protect the most vulnerable, and act to preserve our environment. But this wide-ranging practice is not just an individual response—it can be a genuinely revolutionary force. It challenges our way of thinking, power relationships, and even our institutions and economies. By placing interdependence at its core, care encourages us to reimagine our collective priorities and to build a more just, respectful, and sustainable reality. In a world fractured by crises, compassion and solidarity become tools for rethinking our systems and societies. How can we bring these values to the heart of our political and economic practices?
Joan Tronto
Scientist and professor at the University of Minnesota (by videoconference)
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Samuel Flach
Protagonist of the film and community organiser
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Soizic Pineau
Journalist Manifesto XXI
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Anna Toumazoff
Journalist and Feminist activist
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The Tender Revolution
Following the suicide of a close friend, Annelie Boroș has been preoccupied with one question: could there be a kinder, more compassionate world in which her friend would have wanted to live? The film profiles four individuals who place empathy at the heart of their lives: the father of an adult with a disability, a live-in care worker who’s on duty around the clock, a climate activist, and a young wheelchair user working on an inclusive housing project. All of them are drained—yet each remains determined to transform society. Although they have never met, they are fighting for the same cause: a Tender Revolution.
Nico Schnittger
Samuel Flach
Leida Amanda Luna Tacunan
Bożena Domańska