Preceded by the film High Tide Don't Hide

Re-enchanting the future, keeping hope alive


Saturday 15 March – 15h00
Espace Pitoëff - Théâtre
Rue de Carouge 52, 1205 Geneva

Today’s crises generate a sense of powerlessness but also highlight the potential for mobilisation and change. How can we transform discouragement into renewed momentum?

The climatic, social, and political challenges we face call for us to reinvent our narratives and rekindle hope. Younger generations, often at the forefront, exemplify this drive by exploring multiple forms of activism. Getting involved is not just about taking to the streets; it also means writing, creating, sharing, and imagining other futures. Rethinking modes of mobilisation helps revive our desire to take action and stirs the vision of a fairer, more sustainable world. Creativity becomes a weapon, hope a driving force, and every gesture an opportunity to bring meaning to chaos.

Co-presented with the Young Activist Summit, and International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). Organised with the support of the Smile Wave Fund.

Cloé West
Video and Impact Producer, Young Activist Summit
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Raphaël Viana David
Programme Manager, China & Latin America, ISHR


Maimouna Ba
Founder of Maman Sahélienne
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José Adolfo Quisocala Condori
Founder of Banco del Estudiante Bartselana
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Marley Dias
Feminist activist and founder of #1000BlackGirlBooks
Learn More

César Richier Le Moan
Young rapper committed to climate
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Salomé Saqué
Essayist and journalist, Blast
Learn More

The discussion is interpreted in English, French and Spanish

By Niva Kay, Emily McDowell, Nia Phipps and Philip Stebbing

High Tide Don't Hide

Young people across New Zealand join the global climate strike, resolved to bring about real change. From one end of the country to the other, they strive to make policymakers aware of the climate emergency. Yet organising a movement and generating momentum is no easy task; they face political indifference and struggle to have their voices heard. When award-winning poet Aigagaleifili establishes a breakaway strike group, a turning point emerges. At last, these young activists glimpse a path to show the world how the Pacific nations, already facing the devastating impacts of climate disruption, demand recognition.

Section : Documentaries - Out of Competition
Country : New Zealand
Original language : English
Subtitle : French
Niva Kay
Emily McDowell
Nia Phipps
Philip Stebbing
The Rebel Film Collective
Niva Kay
Thomas Gleeson
William Philipson
Rights holder
The Rebel Film Collective