Carte blanche to Rokhaya Diallo – Climate equity: women on the front line
According to the UN, 80% of people displaced by climate change are women. While women are disproportionately burdened by these climatic variations, they are also on the front line in combating them, in the words of Kenyan Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai. Better placed than anybody to see the devastating consequences of ecocides, particularly in terms of reproductive health and food security, they are nonetheless excluded from the decisions that shape their future. How can their voices be placed at the heart of environmental struggles?
Adrià Budry Carbó
Commodities and finance investigator for Public Eye and investigative journalist
Alfonso Gomez
Administrative Councillor of the City of Geneva, in charge of the Department of Finance, Environment and Housing
Aminata Dramane Traoré
Former minister of Mali and writer
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Samuel Ekomol
'Between the Rains' Producer and Turkana activist (Kenya)
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Luiza Cavalcante
Brazilian farmer and feminist activist
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Between the Rains
In Kenya, the Turkana are directly affected by climate change. Increasingly, frequent droughts are impacting on their lives, intensifying tensions and conflicts. Filmed over a period of four years, Between the Rains portrays with sensitivity and finesse Kole’s coming of age as a young shepherd on the path to becoming a warrior. Kole experiences doubt, grief and violence in a landscape decimated by drought. The film’s splendid photography serves as a wake-up call, highlighting the devastating consequences of climate change for this community.
Moses Thuranira
Moses Thuranira
Samuel Ekomol
Ragtag Collective
Andrew H. Brown