Signing session by Jean-Pierre Filiu

Book signing with Jean-Pierre Filiu, Professor of Middle Eastern History, Sciences Po, Paris.
Jean-Pierre Filiu is University Professor of Contemporary Middle Eastern History at Sciences Po, Paris, after holding visiting professorships at the American universities of Columbia and Georgetown. He has been a regular visitor to Israel and the Palestinian territories since 1980. Every Sunday since 2015, he has published the column “Un si proche Orient” on the website of the daily newspaper “Le Monde”. He is the author of some twenty books translated into over fifteen languages, including “Histoire de Gaza” and “Main basse sur Israël”. “Comment la Palestine fut perdue/Et pourquoi Israël n’a pas gagné” has just been published by Seuil.
Jean-Pierre Filiu will take part in the discussion Israel-Palestine: what common future is possible? on Tuesday 12 March at 6.30pm.