Café des Libertés– Climate activists take on the multinationals


Friday 15 March – 18h30
Espace Pitoëff - Café du Festival
Rue de Carouge 52, 1205 Geneva

Multinationals perpetrate human rights violations with impunity, and do so all too systematically. Faced with the difficulties of passing legislation in this area, what options are available to climate activists?
Multinationals commit violations of environmental standards and human rights with impunity, and farl too systematically. Such actions call for strong legislation, and several projects are in the pipeline, notably in the EU and in Switzerland. Regardless of the legislation in place, activists are committed to protecting human rights from commercial activities, often at the peril of their own safety. What scope for action do they have against multinational companies and governments? This round table gives activists and experts the opportunity to discuss the crucial role of activism in this race against time for climate justice and corporate accountability. Event co-organized by Codap and Peace Brigades International

Adrià Budry Carbó
Investigative journalist, commodities and finance investigator for Public Eye

Emiliana Rickenmann
Co-founder of Latinas for Climate, activist for climate and gender justice

Adel Ramdani
vice-president of Swiss Youth for Climate
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Charlotte Frossard
Journalist, RTS
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