
The Hearing

protagonistes de l'audition
Monday 11 March
Les Cinémas du Grütli
Rue du Général-Dufour 16 1204 Geneva

Four asylum seekers relive the hearing on the reasons for their departure, a central aspect of the asylum procedure. Lisa Gerig raises essential questions: what happens when your future depends on your ability to narrate your own story convincingly? The Hearing does not stop there. By reversing the roles and the balance of power, it is then up to the asylum seekers to question the officials of Swiss administration. A novel approach that gives an insight into the delicate situation of these hearings and calls into question the asylum procedure itself.

Screening followed by a discussion on the Swiss asylum procedure. In the presence of one of the film’s protagonists and the filmmaker.

Theme of the session: asylum-seeking procedure in Switzerland

Lisa Gerig, 2023, Switzerland, 52′, OV GER/FR/ANG/TAMUL/DARI, VOSTFR

This film is part of the official FIFDH programme.

Teaching material

WARNING: This film includes references to psychological and physical violence.