
Midwives, by Hnin Ei Hlaing

Tuesday 14 November 2023
18:00 - 20:00
Graduate Institute (IHEID)
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A, 1211 Genève

Two midwives, one Buddhist and one Muslim, defy strict ethnic divisions and work side by side in a makeshift clinic in western Myanmar to provide medical care to the Rohingya of Rakhine State. For five years, we witness their struggles, hopes and dreams in an environment of ever-increasing chaos and violence.

Myanmar, Canada, Allemagne, 2022, 95′, vo Rohingya, Rakhine et Birmans, st fr et ang

Free screening of the documentary upon reservation, followed by a meeting with Rohingya rights activist Maung Sawyeddollah.

In partnership with the Young Activists Summit (YAS) and the Graduate Institute.