Feminist and LGBTQIA+ resistance against fascism In Italy, the government of Giorgia Meloni, of the “post-fascist” Fratelli d’Italia party, has withdrawn the rights of thousands of same-sex parents, claiming to give “priority to the traditional family”. Piotr Tolstoy, the Deputy Speaker of the State Duma in Russia, declared that “LGBT people are not poor homosexuals or lesbians against whom, as we are told, Russia has decided to fight. It is a well-organised and planned project to undermine traditional societies from within.”
Across Europe, far-right parties are experiencing a resurgence in popularity and are gaining access to power structures. This is a reminder that fascism can be found not only in the political, legal and media spheres, but also in the private domain. On the front line of these repressive policies, could queer identities be a force for resistance against fascism?