Catalogue Impact Days
De Mohamed Jabaly et Mohamed Jabaly

Life is Beautiful

Al haya helwa

Mohamed, un jeune cinéaste palestinien, participe à un échange culturel en Norvège quand les frontières de Gaza se ferment pour une durée indéterminée. Il est impensable pour lui de quitter sa famille et sa ville natale pour demander l’asile. Au lieu de cela, il attend que la situation évolue et termine son film Ambulance avec des collègues nordiques.Le film devient un succès mondial et fait le tour du monde, mais pas Mohamed. Il est coincé dans le Nord, confronté à un dilemme hors du commun. Son nouveau visa lui est refusé et la frontière de Gaza commence à autoriser des passages limités. S’il retourne à Gaza, le blocus en cours risque de mettre fin à sa carrière au moment même où elle commence. Il décide de faire appel de la décision relative au visa, entamant ainsi, sans le savoir, une véritable odyssée. Exigeant la reconnaissance de sa profession et de sa nationalité, il mobilise sa caméra et sa communauté sous la devise : « La vie est belle ».

Section : Impact Days
Pays : Norvège, Palestine, Qatar
Langues originales : norvégien, anglais, arabe
Mohamed Jabaly
Mohamed Jabaly (Palestine)
Kristine Ann Skaret
Sarah Winge-Sørensen (Norvège)
Kristine Ann Skaret (Norvège)
Stray Dog Productions AS
Statut de production
Finalisé en
Impact Statement
We finished editing «Life is Beautiful» shortly before the current crisis in Gaza began, ready to bring more attention to Palestinian stories and struggles in exile, the challenges that stateless and displaced people face, and the ongoing blockade on Gaza. But in the days and weeks that followed, our film took on new dimensions, meaning, urgency, and relevance as we continue to witness what is happening in Gaza. Our aim is to use the film to work with other organizations to strengthen and help Palestinians’ access freedom, peace, aid and the right to be recognized; as well provide support for Palestinian filmmakers and narratives – particularly those from Gaza – to help bring their stories to light.

Stuck in the Arctic, a young Palestinian filmmaker is forced to confront what it means to be stateless and displaced - labels he always resisted. With his camera as a witness, he records seven years of triumph, defeat, and perseverance, as he fights for his right to self-determination.
Impact Goals
  1. Strengthen access to human rights for Palestinians and other unrecognized stateless and displaced people across the world
  2. Spread hope and a commitment to rebuilding a better future for Palestinians and help rebuild the Palestinian film infrastructure
  3. Raise money and resources for the Palestine Film Institute, to support other Palestinian filmmakers and storytellers
  4. Spread knowledge about current challenges that Palestinians, particularly Gazans, are facing, including the ongoing 17 year-long blockade
Impact Strategy
  • Host screenings with human rights groups to educate about the ongoing crisis in Gaza
  • Work with organizations addressing human rights access for Palestinians to set up screenings for decision makers
  • Create screening guides providing more information about issues in the film.
  • Use media and PR surrounding the film to educate about the challenges Gazans are facing
  • Support fundraising for affected populations through partner organizations
Contact principal
Sarah Winge-Sørensen (Norvège):
Participants présents aux Impacts Days
Mohamed Jabaly (Palestine)
Sarah Winge-Sørensen (Norvège)

Palestinian Film Institute
The Palestinian Committee of Norway
The Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion
World Conference on Statelessness

Norwegian Film Institute
The Fritt Ord Foundation
The Audio Visual Fund
Filmfond Nord
Nord Norsk Filmsenter
Viken Filmsenter
International Media Support
Al Jazeera
Aflamuna Impact Fellowship and Impact Fund
Storyboard Collective
First Hand Films
North Film Distribution

Palestinian Film Institute
The Palestinian Committee of Norway
The Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion
World Conference on Statelessness

Norwegian Film Institute
The Fritt Ord Foundation
The Audio Visual Fund
Filmfond Nord
Nord Norsk Filmsenter
Viken Filmsenter
International Media Support
Al Jazeera
Aflamuna Impact Fellowship and Impact Fund
Storyboard Collective
First Hand Films
North Film Distribution