By Dheeraj Akolkar

The Other Side of Silence

Wars don’t end when peace treaties are signed, or when pictures of jubilant soldiers and smiling presidents appear under bold news headlines. Wars continue to explode like invisible bombs in the lives of many. 

 When children are born from sexual violence by enemy soldiers to mothers from occupied countries, their own wars start when peace comes, and they last for their lifetimes and beyond. This feature documentary follows the last mission and worldwide journey of activist Ms. Gerd Fleischer, 81, a child born to a German occupation soldier and a Sami-Norwegian mother during the Second World War. She travels to post-war countries like Germany, Bosnia, Uganda, Vietnam and Iraq, collecting emotional testimonies from different generations of children born of war-rapes and bringing them as humane evidence to the Ukrainian parliament in Kyiv, urging the authorities to create pressing and permanent legal protection for children being born in conflict-related sexual violence today.

Countries : Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Iraq, Norway, Uganda, Ukraine, Vietnam
Original languages : Acholi, Bosnian, English, German, Kurdish, Norwegian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
Dheeraj Akolkar (India / United Kingdom)
Anita Rehoff Larsen (Norway / Norway)
Tone Grottjord-Glenne (Norway)
Alex Tondowski (Germany)
Sant & Usant
Tondowski film
Impact Producer
Sabine Lee (Germany / United Kingdom)
Production status
In production
December 2026
Impact Statement
There have been 268 wars since 1900. The silence that presides over the ensuing peacetime is supposed to heal wounds. But on the other side of that very silence there begins new, largely unknown wars whose innocent victims are systematically abused and live a lifetime of trauma. We wish to change that by making such stories visible, constructing concrete outreach projects aimed at meaningful integration, creating awareness and empathy, and initiating advocacy campaigns for permanent legal protection for the children born of wars and war-rapes and their mothers. We aim to contribute towards reconciliation, equality and healing in post-war countries across the world.